About Us
We offer free writing support to all Carson-Newman undergraduate writers, through all of the stages of the writing processes and for genres that range from academic essays to business resumes. We offer on-site, face-to-face, individual tutoring that is tailored to the writer’s goals. Our tutors are highly accomplished undergraduate students, trained by the English Department in Writing Center tutoring.
The Writing Center is located on the second floor of Stephens-Burnett Memorial Library in rooms 212 and 213.
Follow us on Instagram @carson_newman_writing_center for the latest schedule updates, writing support and resources!
The Writing Center opens on February 5! Please check the schedule below:
Monday: 12-6:15 PM
Tuesday: 7:45-9 AM; 10:30 AM-12:30 PM; 5-8 PM
Wednesday: 12-6:15 PM
Thursday: 7:45-11:30 AM; 5-8:30 PM
Friday: 1:45-4:30 PM
Meet our Tutors
Alyssa Abbott

I am a senior with a major in Missions and a minor in Creative Writing. I believe that writing can be beneficial for everyone, whether they write for enjoyment, for academics, or professionally. Writing is something I have always enjoyed, and I am ecstatic to help students refine their writing skills through Carson-Newman University’s Writing Center!
Olivia Pullen

I am a senior majoring in English, and a lover of books, poetry and all things creative. I believe anyone can be a great writer if they learn the fundamentals and practice. My hope is that I can help make writing a less daunting and more understandable task for anyone who comes to the Writing Center for assistance.
Ashley Ogle

I am a senior majoring in communications, and this is my first year working in the Writing Center. I have always been fascinated by all of the aspects of writing, and I can’t wait to dive into the process. I know how difficult it can be to find the right words sometimes, and I am so excited to have the opportunity to search for the words together this year.
Hannah Wambaugh

I am a junior majoring in English and minoring in Professional Writing. Writing is such an integral part of life, from workplace email communications to papers furthering academic research. Rather than a natural talent, I think writing is an ongoing skill that improves as you practice. I am excited for the opportunity to meet students where they are and help them grow in their writing abilities!
No need to schedule an appointment! Just come to the Writing Center during our working hours, and a tutor will help you.
You can meet with a tutor twice a week for 30 minute sessions. That means that you can have a total of one hour during a week, but the two half-hour sessions need to be on two different days of the week.
Bring a copy of your paper (printed or on your computer), your assignment, any notes that you might have—including any questions that you might want to ask—and the email address of your teacher if you want us to send her/him a brief summary of your session. Your teacher will be notified of your appointment only if you ask ask us to do so. Otherwise, your Writing Center appointments are confidential.
A tutor will work with you on your paper and address any concerns you might have regarding your writing. Your appointment will start with the tutor asking questions, such as: What is your main concern about this paper/assignment? With what can I help you today? On what do you want to focus today? What do you think is the most accomplished part of your paper, and why? After you identify your main concerns, the tutor will read your paper and discuss with you the ways in which you can improve it.
The tutor will help you improve any number of aspects of your paper, from your thesis, organization, and structure to citation style, punctuation, and spelling. However, since our tutors are not trained to be editors, they will not edit or proofread your papers; instead, they will identify areas of your writing that should be improved, and will therefore provide advice and tools that will enable you to significantly improve not only a particular paper but also your writing in general. Our tutors will also help you with, for instance, writing your resumes and cover letters.
Writing is a long process and it usually takes a few drafts to make your essay as accomplished as possible. Even professional writers go through numerous drafts; that said, if you are not satisfied with your grade after a visit to the Writing Center, we recommend that you work even more closely with your professor and politely ask for clarification of her/his feedback, that you fully understand the assignment, that in the future you start the writing process much earlier, and that you try to visit the Writing Center at least two or three times before your paper is due.
The Writing Center provides its services to all Carson-Newman undergraduate students free of charge.
Ask your tutor to send an e-report to your professor/instructor. The report will contain information about elements on which you worked, when, and with whom. Be sure to know your professor’s/instructor’s email address.
If you are a good writer, and there is at least one professor who is familiar with your writing skills and can recommend you, please send an inquiry email to the Writing Center director, Dr. Damjana Mraović-O’Hare: dmraovic@baoqiuyue.net.
Damjana Mraovic-O’Hare
Associate Professor of English & Director of the Writing Center
Henderson 302